Welcome to Bidborough Village Hall
Bidborough Village Hall – CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) is a registered Charity that is run by Trustees on a voluntary basis.
The hall is situated in an unique position overlooking the Weald and the Penshurst Estate with far reaching views beyond.
Like many village halls, the Charity is dependant on regular income from from hiring out the hall to cover operating expenses and to fund future projects.
Improvements include the installation of energy efficient airsourced heat pumps for hall airconditioning and heating, and refurbishment of the main hall kitchen.
History of the Hall
Bidborough’s first village hall was built in 1927 on a piece of land given to then Community Council by Sir Thomas Callender who lived at Bidborough Court. This was paid for by much fund raising and cost just over £700. There is a picture of Sir Thomas and his wife in the hall entrance lobby.
The Community Council had been formed earlier in 1924 and its sole responsibility was the running of the village hall for the benefit of the community i.e. the villagers of Bidborough. It was registered as a charity at that time.

In the 1950’s it became evident that the hall was not large enough to cater for the growing population but it took until 1974 before the present hall was built on a piece of land adjacent to the old hall.
The current car park is where the old hall stood.
The hall was extended in early 2000 and now provides improved facilities for the wider community including a wheelchair lift to gain access to the small hall and toilet facilities for the disabled.
The hall is managed by a group of Trustees who took the decision to review its charitable status in line with current legislation. As a result the old Community Council charity was closed down and a new charity was formed. This is called Bidborough Village Hall Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Trustees are nominated at the annual AGM and a Management Committee again made up of Trustees is appointed. The day to day running of the hall is devolved to this Committee that comprises of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Booking Secretary